Job-related German language support (DeuFöV) in Halle
Learn German with a professional language course - up to your desired language level
Optimise the professional development of your employees with the BAMF Job Turbo
Offer your employees with a migration background the opportunity to improve their German language skills quickly and in a targeted manner. The Job-Turbo vocational language courses, also known as "Job-BSK", are practical German courses that can be completed alongside work, online or on site. Benefit from financial support of 50 to 100% of the course fees from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).
Why a Job-BSK at Learn and Speak Halle is the ideal choice
- Customised German courses for various professional groups
- Content with direct practical relevance so that the new language skills can be used immediately in the workplace
- Guaranteed financial support from the BAMF (50 to 100%)
- Participation also possible for self-payers
- Timely course start possible
- BAMF-certified training provider with more than 30 years of experience
- Experienced and regularly trained teachers
- Target group
Our job-related language courses are aimed at adult participants at language level A2 or B1 who would like to use their language skills in their professional environment.
- Format
- Open group courses (5-7 participants) and closed courses for your employees
- Courses totalling 100-150 teaching units of 45 minutes each
- Part-time, possible on our premises or online
- Course content
The course content is practice-orientated and specially tailored to the needs of the respective professional groups. Our pedagogical team develops the content specifically for your industry to ensure that it is directly applicable in a professional context.
- Prerequisites
- Completed integration course with at least A2
- Job confirmation, preparation for a specific job or already in work
- Internet-enabled computer with microphone and loudspeaker or headset (for the virtual course format)
- Start dates
We offer consecutive start dates for our job-related language courses in order to enable a prompt start. For in-company German courses, we are guided by your availability.
Your contact persons are:
Teresa Häseler
Phone: +49 3 45/6 78 98-41
Email: eg4fCB8JG1QSGx8JHxYfCDoWGwlXEhsWFh9UHh8@nospam
We are happy to assist you!
Contact us by phone at 0345 67898-0, via email, or simply use our contact form.
We look forward to hearing from you!