One-on-one course

at Learn and Speak Halle

Learn a language in our one-on-one classes

Individual lessons are a great choice if you want a flexible program that is entirely based upon your individual learning goals and your schedule. The advantages include:

  • You determine your own learning goal.
  • Based on your learning goal we create an individual program after assessing your language level. The program is suitable for a quick introduction to a new language, refreshing foreign language skills or targeted preparation for specific communication situations such as correspondence, conferences, negotiations or presentations, etc.
  • Regardless of other students, you determine the pace of the course and your trainer focuses entirely on you.
  • You determine the lesson time and start date completely flexible to your needs. The time frame is available from 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Ihre Ansprechpartner/innen

Your contact

Susanne Heine
Phone: +49 3 45/6 78 98 - 47


Reach out to us!

Contact us by phone at +49 345 67898 - 0, by email, or simply use our contact form.

We'd like to hear from you!


I hereby consent that my information will be stored for the purpose of contact and follow-up inquiries. Detailed information on how user data is handled can be found in our privacy policy.

Note: You may revoke this consent at any time with future effect by sending an email to the specific center.
