Naturalization Test
at Speak and Learn Halle
Naturalization Test
We are accredited by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) as a testing center for the naturalization test.
The naturalization test takes place in the training rooms of the Learn and Speak language school. A registration period of at least 3 weeks must be observed before each test date.
Ihre Ansprechpartner/innen
Bärbel Klopp
Telefon: +49 3 45/6 78 98-0
Sylke Peuschel
Telefon: +49 3 45/6 78 98-0
Your contact persons
Solveig Steffens
Phone: +49 3 45/6 78 98-0
We are happy to advise you!
Contact us - by phone at 0345 67898-0, by email, or simply use our contact form.
We look forward to hearing from you!